Gulf Shores Surf & Racquet Club
Rules and Regulations
ONLY ONE WARNING will be issued for violation of the property rules. A second violation shall be cause for eviction from the property and or monetary fine(s) at the discretion of Gulf Shores Surf and Racquet Club Board of Directors.
Covered parking is for DEEDED UNIT OWNERS ONLY. Unauthorized vehicles will be towed at vehicle owners’ expense
ONLY PETS OF DEEDED OWNERS while in residence are PERMITTED. Owners are responsible for cleaning up after their pets. NO other pets are allowed.
No throwing objects from balcony or walkways. This includes cigarettes, cigars, ice, cups, water or any other solid object. If observed, you will be asked to leave without further notice.
Running is not permitted throughout the entire property. Parents will be held liable for the actions and/or damage caused by their children.
Cooking or barbecue equipment is not allowed on the balconies or walkways. Designated grilling and picnic areas are located on the property.
Radios, stereos, and other musical equipment are not permitted after 11:00 PM on the grounds. Noise levels must be moderated after 11:00 PM so as not to disturb other guests. Disorderly guests will be evicted from the property.
Fireworks are not permitted anywhere on the property, including the beach area.
Hanging of towels, linens or clothing on balcony railings is not allowed.
No bicycles, scooters, skateboards, roller blades or similar equipment will be allowed to be used on the property.
Motor homes, camping or travel trailers, or other similar living units will not be permitted to be hooked up and occupied as a living unit. This type vehicle may be parked only with the prior permission of the front office.
Trash chutes are located adjacent to the elevators on each floor. Please dispose of your household garbage in plastic bags when vacating your unit. Only bagged garbage is disposed of in trash chutes – NO boxes. Boxes should be broken down and brought to the dumpster under the garage on the east side of A building.
Do not feed the seagulls from your balcony or any other area of the property.
Do not disturb any personal belongings of other guests or owners (crab traps, boats, bicycles, etc.).
Boat trailers will be parked only in the designated areas north of the “B” building.
Please bring your balcony furniture inside your unit when instructed to do so by the front office personnel.
NO tents or camping equipment can be used on GSSR property. Only canopies without bottoms will be allowed.
Pool & Hot Tub Rules
Pools and hot tub close at 10:00 PM and do not reopen until 8:00 AM.
*** During cleaning and /or repairs of these facilities, usage is not permitted.
***Disorderly conduct and rough house play will NOT be permitted in the pool area.
***Children under 12 are not allowed in the hot tub. Health officials have determined hot tubs may cause serious injury or death to infants.
***Babies and toddlers will NOT be permitted in either pool unless equipped with health department approved swim diapers. NO EXCEPTIONS
***Pool furniture may NOT be reserved with towels. Staff will remove these belonging.
***No food or glass on pool decks or hot tub decks. Tables and chairs are located for your convenience on the decks. Do not remove tables, chairs or lounges from their designated areas.
Hours are 8:00 AM until 10:00 PM. Court time may be reserved at the front office during regular office hours. The tennis court light switch is located on the West court fence. Please turn off the lights when done.
If you should experience a maintenance problem within your unit, lost keys or other non-emergency problems please contact the agent or owner with whom you reserved your unit.
If there is a common area problem, contact the front desk (8:00AM – 5:00PM) 251-948-6000.